Sunday, 17 March 2013

Total Recall (2012)

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 *poster Courtsey (

Total Recall (2012)
Genre: Sci-fi/Action/Dystopian

Directed by: Len Wiseman

Arny or no Arny, Mars or no Mars, but this movie is quite a descent remake of 1990's Mega Blockbuster with the same name. Total recall is more than it looks like in the start. One of the highly twisted movie that has been released recently, Total Recall has some of the finest actors and breath-taking Sfx (Special Effects).

As the movie goes on, you will start believing that it is not only Farrell who is confused about his true identity, but it confuses you too at many points about his identity. After all the tag line is - 'What is Real?'

 Despite being Arny's film remake which has always been famous for its humor and one liners, this movie seriously lacks in humor. But it is highly under rated, this flick is worth to go if you like sci-fi action based on future. There are very few senseless scenes which you may not like but it does not make the movie lose its charm, because there are many scenes that will make you glued to your seat and you may not wanna leave unless the movie finishes.

Pros: Sfx, Action and Kate Beckinsale
Cons: Lengthy, Lack in Humor

Rating: 7/10

Watch Trailer:
*Trailer Courtesy: VISO Trailers


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