Monday, 9 July 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

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                       *poster Courtesy (

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)  
Genre: Superhero/Action/Sci-fi/Spinoff

Directed By: Marc Webb

From the directorial debut from 500 Days of Summer to the reboot of Spider-Man saga, Marc Webb indeed has come away a long journey. I hope he knew that this movie is going to be compared with the 2002's Spider-Man directed by Sam Raimi.

What occured to Sony Pictures Entertainment's mind to go for a reeboot is a mystry as it was a big risk to take when the last movie of Spider-Man franchisee generated more than 890 million USD (which was Sony Pictures Entertainment's highest grossing film to date). They could have continued with the old story and would have changed the director / star cast which has happened many times in Hollywood history rather than going for a reeboot.

Andrew Garfield undoubtedly portrayed the character very well and Emma Stone has always been a charm to see on the screen. But the point where movie loses scope is - Plot. The depiction of story has not been justified properly.

The film has stronger characters and amazing effects which makes the movie watchable, but when it comes to the plot, it has a million loose ends. Few of them being:

1. The story of Peter turning into wall-crawler has not been depicted properly as it was in Spider-Man (2002).

2. It has been shown that there are millions of biotic spiders, which means there are millions of chances of getting bitten somehow and turning into wall-crawlers.

3. In some places the movie is over-dramatic

4. Where is Dr. Rajit Ratha?

5. What was the purpose of showing small lizards shown time to time?

And the rest, I will leave on the readers to tell, if you watch the movie.

All in all, The Amazing Spider-Man is a worth to watch for its effects and effective star casts. DO NOT expect much from the movie and do not think of comparing it with 2002's Sam Raimi's classic, then only you will find it worth.

Pros:  Vfx
Cons: Weak Plot

Rating: 6/10

Watch Trailer:

 *Trailer Courtesy: VISO Trailers 

1 comment:

  1. Truely said by you. As the movie really lacks in several ways compairing with its previous saga.

    The previous series was the vision of director Sam Raimi.

    The Amazing Spider-Man is completely unworthy to watch.
    Though 3D effect is good but not upto that extent.

    Rating: ***
